Sunday, October 23, 2016

New Camera: Eastar Medium Format

I just got this Eastar medium format camera in the mail from E-Bay yesterday, it came with two rolls of very expired film and a light meter(whatever that is).  I've been wanting to graduate from 35mm to medium format 120mm for a while now so this is my first step. This morning I took my first picture with it. With lots of sighs, eye rolls, and moans I made my family pose for a picture. I don't expect much out of this first batch of photos due to my complete lack of knowledge and the thirteen year old film. Who cares though, this is fun! I also scored a Konica 35mm camera from an estate sale a couple of weeks ago, so I have that going for me too. I consider it an upgrade from my dusty old Canon AE-1. Digital is for idiots.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Newest Copper Dragon

My latest dragon is taking a long time to complete. I started it last year and at this rate it may be another year before I finish it. I only work on it for one or two hours every other weekend. I have so much going on, so many other interests. Real trouble with focus. I love the way it's coming out and how heavy it's getting. Lots of painstaking work creating the scales that will cover the back. I plan on putting in some wings real soon. Once I get the scales up to where the front shoulders are I'll add the framework for the wings. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Dragon

Here's a Quint inspired photo of my newest project. This one is the biggest yet. It's most likely going to take all winter. My work is slow due to issues with my scatter brainery. #dragonsmith