Friday, June 20, 2008


Brendan (The Kid) and I did some high roof work today, changing out some rotted chimney caps. There were some long drops off the back side of the two chimneys we were working on. So, as the safety czar of the company, I immediately set up a network of safety lines and harnesses. After that we set the stupid safety crap aside. You're only as safe as you feel. Things got pretty manly up there, with all the smashing, cutting, swearing, breaking things we needed, bleeding and dropping stuff. I have to say, The Kid held his own, following my lead and discarding the safety belt. You're not really working if there is no chance of dying, so what's the point. Although, at one point, I almost pooped my pants when the wind picked up while I was carrying the new chimney cap across a particularly steep section.

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