Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"The Cliff"

I came across this picture recently and it triggered a long forgotten memory. Me and a few of my friends got into a cardboard refrigerator box at the top of "The Cliff" as it was called and launched ourselves over the top and tumbled all the way to the bottom. Totally unharmed. I think there were four of us and we must have been around ten years old. I can still remember hitting the cement beach wall at the bottom and laughing our asses off. I spent a good part of my life living on top of that hill. It was a great place to grow up. Another fun thing we would do was whenever we found an old tire we would let it roll down the steep hill in middle of the road, most likely killing some unknown person at the bottom or maybe crashing thru someones front door. We never knew what happened to them. We just let them go and moved on to the next thing. Like going back over to the edge of "The Cliff" and hurling melon sized boulders and screaming obscenities at the older teenagers who were drinking beer by a fire at the bottom. We wouldn't stop throwing the boulders until they started tearing up the cliff after us. Or getting my arm broken playing "kill the man with the ball" with about thirty of the neighborhood kids. Good times.

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