Friday, February 29, 2008

Normal Fatherly Responses

Cant find a clean butter knife. Get yourself a hammer, go to the silverware drawer, find a spoon, place it on the counter, pound it flat. You got yourself a butter knife.

Can't find your belt(shoes,comb,socks,whatever) at 4:30 am. Go upstairs, sprint down the hallway toward your teenage sons room, ram your 250 lb body at the closed door(door explodes off its hinges),then ask him where your belt is, get no response, leave house in fit of rage. Later realizing that you are wearing your belt.

Your boat is broke down miles from shore, darkness approaching, you have no running lights. Friendly boater approaches in another boat. Enraged at your predicament you tell friendly boater if he comes any closer you will kill everyone on his boat. Passengers on your boat start to cry.

1 comment:

denise said...

Dad would be sooooooo proud, that you are actually a fruit cake as he was...Love you Bill