I have to move my African Salcatta (third largest tortoise on the planet) into a new room in the basement. His cage is 4ft by 8ft, and is taking up large portion of the twins future classroom/playroom. In the summer he spends most of his time outside, but he spend his nights inside. Also he spends the entire winter inside. When outside he eats constantly, and craps like a rhino, he craps like a rhino inside too, and if he misses his bath he smells like an elephant. His thrashing around in his cage sounds like there's a dump truck in the driveway. He is the perfect household pet. Anyway, I need to dismantle his cage and move it into his new room. The new room will also house Herman, my much smaller and stupider tortoise. The new room is only 12ft x 12ft, so it will be a challenge to make this work.