Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Hey Tony"

I just finished a bowl of chocolate pudding and whipped cream and in my usual fashion, I left my bowl wherever I was when I finished. Vicki said, hey Tony, is that where your bowl goes. Tony is my late father's name and that brought back a fond memory. It was a family dinner at my sister's house. After dinner, desert was served and every one helped themselves to some desert. Pies, cookies cakes, lots of goodies. The only one not enjoying the delicious bounty was my Dad. Everyone else was devouring their desert and he was sitting quietly, with his hands folded, not saying a word. He was waiting patiently for my Mom to cut him a piece of pie. THE PIE WAS TOUCHING HIS PLATE! It has nothing to do with laziness, I don't think he knew he had the power to get his own pie. It was an amazing sight to see. No exageration, if he unfolded his hands he would have touched the pie, but no, he just sat there like a mental patient. And you know what, he got his pie. It was almost zen-like to watch his mastery. This also brings back another memory. It was a my cousin Paul's wedding. We were all sitting at a table, nice conversation, nothing out of the ordinary was being said. All of a sudden my Dad gets up and just walks across the dance floor and out the door. Never said a word, never looked back. What was amazing, and full of unspoken poetry, was the way he was walking. His gait said,"no need to give me a second look, there is no way I'm leaving". Kind of how a Jedi would do it. I gave Vicki a nudge and pointed to my Dad strutting across the dance floor, I said to her "you know he's leaving don't you", she said something like "of course not, that's crazy, he never said goodbye". I looked at him making the corner and said "so long you magnificent bastard". Ironicly the last time I saw him alive, the scene was almost the same.


Verde said...

2 of my favorite and funniest memories of your Dad. He was the BEST! It still amazes me that your Mom cut him a piece of pie and never gave it another thought and we were all flabbergasted by the whole thing. Rest in Peace Tony. We all miss you!

TentCamper said...

Jut found our blog. Very cool, I like it. Not to mention that I was born in NH and later moved to Boston.

I will definately come back and chek your blog ou again. Take a look at mine.

Smoke Eater said...

Tony Green was a God.A man's MAN.I admired him greatly.