Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ruben Junior!!!!!!!!!

So, Mrs D.O.M gave me the green light to get a little baby rooster this spring. It was either I get a $1000 Raven or a .25 cent rooster. She went with the rooster. I don't think she actually "agreed", but she didn't scream her usual obscenities at the idea. I think it was more like "no f-ing way are you getting a raven", which meant go ahead and get your rooster darling, I love you. I need to raise it from a tiny little chick, because it's to be my soul mate. A day doesn't go by that I don't think of Ruben, my little bantam rooster, who died tragically last winter. I miss his bad-assness. I miss him chest bumping my boot when he was mad at me (which was all the time). He hated everybody, but he hated me the least, which is why I loved him. The search for Ruben Jr is on.

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