Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday Night: Out Dancing with Friends

The first thing I do is scan the crowd and pick out the most dangerous looking people. Then I visualize myself attacking them. For some reason this relaxes me. Then some freak will come into view and will become my study. I watch it's every move trying to get into it's mind. All this goes on while seated at a table full of my friends, laughing and having a grand old time. Of course my back is to my table of friends and my laughing worries them. If I lose sight of my freak I get hit with what feels like a taser full of rage. Like a gorilla that just broke off the head of the doll(or human baby)that he's been playing with. I turn and snap at Mrs D.O.M. "lets get the hell out of here". "No, I'm having fun" is her reply. I pick up a table and smash her to bits with it(in my mind),then run off to find my broken dolly.

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