Sunday, January 24, 2010

Im Bleeding

5:45am peeps and poops with puppy
6:00am oatmeal with milk in microwave
6:20am coffee
8:30am go check on the chicken and get one egg
8:35am make 5 scrambled eggs with cheese
9:00am coffee
9:05am peeps and poops with puppy
10:00am "work" on drawing
10:30am nap with puppy chewing on my neck
11:30am wake up
11:31am peeps and poops with puppy
12:22pm arrive at Mom's for lunch and pick up kids
12:23pm forced to color in coloring book
12:50pm eat delishious sausage and potato dish(Mom picked out the onions for me)
1:30pm arrive home with kids
1:40pm work on drawing
2:00pm nap on couch with puppy biting my face and making me bleed
3:50pm woke up
3:51pm peeps and poops with puppy
4:00pm coffee
5:30pm delicious chicken pie for dinner
6:30pm cup of tea
6:31pm bring TV up from basement and into my bedroom for girls
6:40pm bring HUGE box of my old baseball card upstairs for girls
7:00pm head down into the bunker(kids classroom)to hide
7:28pm thinking about going up to get a glass of Il Bastardo

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