Monday, January 12, 2009


So I'm paying for our meal at this restaurant. The Waiter was pretty bad. I asked him for his pen so I could sign the check. I looked into Mrs. D.O.M. eyes for the "green light". She gave it to me. I stole his pen. I haven't taken a wait persons pen in over a year, I thought I was over it. But you know, that thrilling feeling never leaves you. The trick, actually its more of an art form, is in the extreme coolness in the way you pull it off. You have to act like it's your pen. The pen you've had since you were born. I first started stealing pens in junior high school. At lunch, as the students were in line getting their food I would get about fifty pens, every day. Most of the time I would just throw them in the trash. I did it just for my own amusement. I started stealing pens again after my Dad died, as a way to honor him. I would say, "this one's for Tony" after each pen I took. After a few months I stopped, until tonight. This was most likely a one time relapse, or I should say I wont take another pen unless the situation calls for it. Also let me make this clear, I am an honest man. This has nothing to do with thievery. I don't even like pens. Or you.

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