Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quando quando quando

Engelbert Humperdinck (can I say that?) is cranked up to 11. Can it get any better? The kids and I have been dancing up a storm. The last of the "IL Bastardo" is in my gullet. Vicki isn't here, thank God, she'd kill us. Puppets everywhere, my lame music is crankin. It all started with me trying to teach the girls their spelling words. They know them all, but whenever I asked them to spell one, their response was making me want to punch them in the face. Me saying "Spell the word think" was answered with them rolling their eyes in the back of their heads and spinning around uncontrollably and laughing at me. To me they seemed bored out of their bat shit crazy minds, so I came up with a plan to burn off some energy. Dance party! I made them go get all the puppets and cranked up some Chuck Berry. I poured myself a glass of wine, and it was on. Next thing you know I was boogieing in the kitchen with a cookie monster puppet. What's weird, among all this happiness, was when I was in the kitchen dancing, I thought to myself "I hope someone breaks in right now, so I can kill them" Other than that we had a fabulous time. Things seem to be winding down, it's jammie time for them (I've had mine on all day), and Mrs D.O.M. should be home soon. I need to get this place back to normal.

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