Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Resolutions : 3 , Become More Normal

I'm sitting on my couch, rubbing my forehead. The girls are upstairs playing the opening music to "Davey and Goliath" on their DVD player over and over, full blast. I'm leaning back and the entire room is a blur, due to my stupid bi-focals. A little orange blob on the TV stand brings me back into the now, it's the "Heat Miser" action figure I bought for one of my daughters. I'm just now beginning to question my parenting skills/qualifications. My only contributions to the pile of Christmas presents were "Heat Miser" and "Snow Miser" and "Davey and Goliath" action figures. Heat Miser looks like the Devil and Davey IS the Devil. I might as well have bought them a Gatling Gun and a big bag of crack. For the sake of my children I need to pull myself back into the land where the normal people live.

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