Monday, August 23, 2010

"I kilt the bar that kilt me"

So I finished making the smoke flaps and attached them to the top of the tepee. Some of the painting I did is starting to run. We've had lots of rain the past two days. Whatever. It'll be swell. I attached the smoke flaps with some snaps I installed. I'm awesome at putting snaps and grommets on things. I'm on a red wine kick too. Oh, so I'm standing inside the tepee on a 4 foot ladder,installing the snaps on the smoke flaps and all of a sudden I look around me and it hits me. Only a mental patient would be doing what I'm doing right now. It was kind of sad. I'm a grown man. My family is in the house and it is pouring rain out. I'm outside fitting a fucking smoke flap(whatever the hell that is) to a tepee. A tepee I'll never use. Anyway, I have to see this thing through.

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