Sunday, August 1, 2010

Seven Dwarfs Painting

"There's a lot of symbolism here. Notice the one in front, holding the lantern, is wearing red. He is the Kommisar, leading the people to the glory of the Revolution. The sleepy one has the longest beard, yet he is young. This signifies the ...out-of-touch old-money-supported young elite who are lazy and just tag along for the ride. The chubby one is the pseudo-repentant, who is the father of the sleepy one, and he knows the real story, the real deal, and has to put on the smiley face otherwise his days are numbered. He is the old money, the old elite, and now he has to do what the Committee demands of the proletariat. The grumpy one, he's the old guy who used to work for the smiling chubby guy, and now he's the Man-at-Arms and the secret police, watching with a stern eye and waiting for the moment he can exert his power over the once-elite bourgeois Capitalists that once had power over him." Comrade Jeffrey Engel

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