Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday's Adventures with the D.O.M.

Lots to do today. I have a huge pile of broken central air conditioners that have to be torn apart,"limb from limb", I don't know why everything has to be followed by the phrase "limb from limb", maybe because I have the mind of a nine year old boy. Anyway, I need to tear them(like a savage)apart and put them in my recycling pile in the back of my workshop. Where they will rot, for all time. Then I need to do the final sanding of the drywall joints and possibly put a coat of primer on the wall. Verde wants me to put the Christmas(can I still say that?) lights up. Plus I want to do some drawing and also spend some time with my chickens, who I'm going to see right now, thanks for reminding me. See ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention your stupid banjo, you big headed fruit.